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Planting Trees on Arbour Day

15 Mar 2024

After a few days of rain in the Spring of Guangzhou, the BBSG campus welcomed a sunny day on the 12th of March, the Arbour Day, which was a good time to plant some seeds and trees for the new year.



At the BBSG garden, next to our football field, students used tools under teachers’ supervision, carefully digging holes and planting some pepper seedlings. Everyone was happy to contribute to the environment of the campus.




It was an interesting learning process for our students, understanding and participating in different phases of harvesting. The BBSG garden is also a place where we conduct our “from farm to table” approach. We really look forward to enjoying the ingredients and food from our own garden soon.


Earlier in the day, our Senior Leadership Team also participated in a tree-planting ceremony for the education hub where BBSG is located, planting the hope to our students and to the school.

